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Tattoo cover ups completely cover the original tattoo with new artwork. 

Reworkings utilized some portion of the original artwork as part of a new tattoo.

Iron Palm body artists routinely do cover up and rework old tattoo designs that have become dated for clients.

Stop by for a free consultation or call 404-973-7828 so that we can work with you to create a timeless design.

See also: Completed cover-up tattoos inked at Iron Palm.

@groovystoney gets a candy man cover-up tattoo by @Ironpalm_outlaw at Iron Palm Tattoos in downtown Atlanta, GA.
@groovystoney gets a candy man cover-up tattoo by @Ironpalm_outlaw at Iron Palm Tattoos in downtown Atlanta, GA.
@groovystoney gets a candy man cover-up tattoo by @Ironpalm_outlaw at Iron Palm Tattoos in downtown Atlanta, GA.
@groovystoney gets a candy man cover-up tattoo by @Ironpalm_outlaw at Iron Palm Tattoos in downtown Atlanta, GA.