Hourglass Blackwork Illustrative Tattoo By Rene Cristobal
Hourglass Blackwork Illustrative Tattoo By Rene Cristobal. The hourglass represents the continuous passage of time and serves as a reminder that life is finite. Furthermore, the two containers of the hourglass are an analogy in themselves: that the need to turn the hourglass over signifies the cycle between life and death.
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‘Brothers’ Wolf Blackwork Realism Tattoo By Rene Cristobal
'Brothers' Wolf Blackwork Realism Tattoo By Rene Cristobal. This tattoo represents the relationship between two brothers. Wolves are very intelligent animals that live organized in packs. Rene choose to represent our link to them in this way. This tattoo session lasted 9 hours of work. Text (678)-926-9731 or stop by for a free consultation. Walk ins are welcome.
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Drama & Tragedy Theatre Mask Blackwork Illustrative Sleeve Tattoo By Rene Cristobal
Drama & Tragedy Theatre Mask Blackwork Illustrative Sleeve Tattoo By Rene Cristobal. These Theatre masks. They represent comedy and drama or tragedy. They are symbols of Greek origin; Thalia, the muse of comedy, music, song and joy, and Melpomene, who is the muse of tragedy. Text (678)-926-9731 or stop by for a free consultation. Walk ins are accepted.
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Wolf With Mandala Illustrative Realism Blackwork Tattoo By Rene Cristobal
Wolf With Mandala Illustrative Realism Blackwork Tattoo By Rene Cristobal. This wolf which stands out for its look. It is adorned with a mandala design. Text (678)-926-9731 or stop by for a free consultation. Walk ins are welcome.
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Archangel Gabriel Illustrative Blackwork Tattoo by Rene Cristobal
Archangel Gabriel Illustrative Blackwork Tattoo by Rene Cristobal. This tattoo symbolizes the angel Gabriel, which comes from Hebrew and means “Man of God,” “power of God,” or “strength of God.” Text (678)-926-9731 or stop by for a free consultation. Walk ins are welcome.
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Anubis Blackwork Photo Realism Sleeve Tattoo By Rene Cristobal
Anubis Blackwork Photo Realism Sleeve Tattoo By Rene Cristobal. Anubis is one of the most well-known figures in Egyptian culture, as he was in charge of taking the dead to the court of the gods. His role was to weigh the heart of the deceased and guide him or her to paradise. Therefore, he represents death, but he is also understood as a way of guiding us after death.
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Hebrew 42:18 Spiritual Lettering Tattoo By Rene Cristobal
Hebrew 42:18 Spiritual Lettering Tattoo By Rene Cristobal. " And Joseph said unto them the third day, This do, and live; for I fear God..." We love the sentiment in spiritual tattoos especially because the art of tattooing originally started in religion. Text 678) -926-9731 r stop by for a free consultation.
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Sharingan Naruto Anime Tattoo By Rene Cristobal
Sharingan Naruto Anime Tattoo By Rene Cristobal. Sharingan literally means "wheeled eye" in Japanese. In the Naruto anime universe Sharingan is a fighting technique that gives the ninjas that master it supernatural abilities. Rene is available for appointments and walk ins. Call +1 (678)-926-9731 or stop by for a free consultation.
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Eagle “On The Attack” Blackwork Realism Tattoo By Rene Cristobal
Eagle "On The Attack" Blackwork Realism Tattoo By Rene Cristobal. The American Bald Eagle is a huge and inspiring bird. Its image has spawned national symbols, merchandise, paintings, poems, and songs throughout the centuries. Text +1 (678)-926-9731 or stop by. Walk ins are always welcome.
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